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Многоквартирные дома

Многоквартирные дома

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Charles Broto
ID: 6904
Видавництво: Links
Rob Gregory
ID: 2838
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

Featuring 95 of the most significant buildings of the early twenty-first century, this book includes works by such eminent architects as Renzo Piano, Norman Foster, OMA and Frank Gehry, as well as newer names, such as Jamie Fobert and Sou Fujimoto. The buildings are organized by planning strategy and are divided into eight chapters, each with an informative introduction that ties the buildings back to iconic examples from the twentieth century. For each building there are numerous, accurate scale plans showing a combination of floor plans, elevations and sections as appropriate, all specially redrawn for this book and based on the most up-to-date information and sources. For each of the buildings there is a concise text discussing the organizational strategy and the significant architectural features of the buildings anatomy, together with colour images. The quality and number of the line drawings, together with the authoritative text and images, allow all the buildings to be understood in detail.

Hilary French
ID: 3705
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

The design of multiple housing – a new building type, especially for growing urban populations – was a major new area of activity for architects at the beginning of the 20th century, and one that continues into the 21st century. The latest title in the successful series Plans, Sections and Elevations, this book features 87 of the most influential modern housing designs of the past 100 years by the best-known architects in the field. Each project is explained with a concise text and photographs and specially created scale drawings, including floor plans and site plans, sections and elevations where appropriate. The projects are organized in six roughly chronological chapters tracing the history of both public and private housing around the world. The detailed drawings allow each project to be analyzed in depth, which, alongside the author’s authoritative text, will make this an invaluable resource for architects and students. As an added bonus, the book includes a CD-ROM containing digital files of all the drawings featured in the book.

ID: 7520
Видавництво: Tang Art

006 Park Tower Gransky
016 Marco Polo Residential Tower
022 Wohngarten Sensengasse
350 Carte Verona
356 Residential Building C
362 Index

Michael J. Crosbie
ID: 4605
Видавництво: Images

Multi-family housing is acknowledged as a complex residential building type. The architect's design must foster a sense of community in an urban setting, while also accommodating the need for a resident's individual space. This new volume documents more than 30 multi-family housing projects from around North America, representing some of the latest design trends in high-density living. They range from affordable housing to luxury condominiums, and all display inventive ways of making private as well as public space that can be shared within the community and the neighbourhood at large.

ID: 5983
Видавництво: Ca Press
ID: 276
Видавництво: Links

Lack of space and growing demand have made the twentieth century the age of the vertical dwelling. This book's fine selection of designs exemplifies the various solutions which a number of architects, ranging from well-known architects to those who are just starting their careers, have chosen when designing apartments and blocks of flats. In this volume, a great profusion of notes, plans, construction details, materials and photographs illustrate the silent revolution of the vertical dwelling.

Broto Carles
ID: 364
Видавництво: Links

Apartment architecture has come a long way since the days when functionality took precedence over aesthetic conditions. Today, the two concepts go hand in hand. Each project in this volume goes that extra step beyond meeting basic requirements to providing qualities which add texture and beauty to daily life. As but one example: the building with entire facades of double layers of glass encasing living plants within. Photos, texts, ground plans and construction details all help provide thorough understanding of each project.

Hilary French
ID: 3260
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing

As cities have grown, housing has had to be provided to accommodate the increasing population. Driven primarily by the need to provide housing as cheaply and efficiently as possible, the ideas developed by the early Modernists have informed housing schemes worldwide. Today, in the context of a very different urban landscape, architects optimistic about high-density living are revisiting the conventional types and evolving new models.

After an introduction covering the recent development of the apartment block as an urban housing type, this books consists of four chapters devoted to recent examples of urban housing from around the world. The projects are selected for their ability to demonstrate an innovative architectural approach. French examines four formal typologies: terraces and row houses, quadrangles and courtyards, city blocks and infill, and towers and slabs. Photographs, drawings and specially drawn site plans place each featured project in its surrounding context.

ID: 2182
Видавництво: Archiworld
Onmi consists of recently completed domestic/international projects, which are classified by theme. It provides the insight into the trends of world architecture through various drawings, skeches and images.
Richard Weston
ID: 3254
Видавництво: Laurence King Publishing
For the first time, a student can now find all the key plans in one place. Featuring more than 100 of the most significant and influential buildings of the twentieth century, this book includes both classic works by such seminal architects as Le Corbusier, Frank Lloyd Wright, Mies van der Rohe and Alvar Aalto, as well as those by more recent masters, such as Norman Foster, Frank Gehry and Rem Koolhaas. For each of the buildings included there are numerous, accurate scale plans showing each floor, together with elevations, sections and site plans where appropriate. All of these have been specially commissioned for the book and are based on the most up-to-date information and sources. There is also a concise text explaining the significant architectural features of the building and the influences it shows or generated, together with full-colour images. Cross-references to other buildings in the book highlight the various connections between these key structures.
ID: 9903
Видавництво: Tang Art

Vanke, have been the bellwether of Chinas real estate industry for two decades, focusing on the designing and updating as the market environment changing to adapt themselves, which is why they successfully stand the edge of the matket.

This books collects 22 latest building from 5 series of Vakes products, such as Golden Series, City Garden Series, Four Seasons Series, High-class Series and Humanistic National Series annalyse why they set the pace of the market trends from 6 aspects, lifecycle,environmentalism,environmental Symbiosis,Architectural Spirit, humanity design, community culture.

Georges Binder
ID: 290
Видавництво: Images

There are many books about tall buildings, but few focus exclusively on residential high-rises. Perhaps this is because they are traditionally not as high as commercial high-rises. However, this is no longer the case; not only do many now compare with other high-rise buildings when it comes to height, but a building designed for living is particularly interesting in that it conveys a sense of the purpose and function of the building. Sky High Living explores a selection of the most arresting residential tall buildings from around the world, predominantly from North America and Asia. Compiled by Georges Binder, building and data expert on high-rise design.

Ирина Шипова (главный редактор)
ID: 10459
Видавництво: speech:

Двенадцатый номер журнала speech: посвящен доступному жилью — теме, актуальной как для России, так и для большинства европейских стран, и — после долгого затишья интереса к ней — переживающей на сегодняшний день настоящее возрождение.

Ей посвящены симпозиумы и круглые столы, выставки и исследования, разрабатываются программы строительства доступного жилья, в рамках которых уже реализовано немало интереснейших проектов. Стремительно меняющаяся жизнь и происходящие в обществе преобразования требуют отражения в архитектуре и прежде всего в формах жилья, доступного для самых разных слоев населения, отвечающего их потребностям. В отличие от типологизированного, безликого, поставленного на поток и лишенного индивидуальности массового жилья недавнего прошлого, сегодняшнее доступное (или «социальное») жилье ориентируется на людей разных возрастов — пожилых и молодых, одиноких и семейных, с разным уровнем доходов и социальным статусом. Ключевым словом тут является «разнообразие». Однако не менее важную роль играет и функциональное смешение, основанное на многообразном использовании нежилых первых этажей, создании комфортных и эстетичных придворовых и общественных пространств уже на стадии проектирования зданий.

Что такое «доступное» жилье — на кого оно рассчитано, что его отличает, какие экономические, градостроительные и архитектурно- планировочные модели сегодня актуальны и почему? Эти и другие вопросы будут рассмотрены в speech: на примере исторического и современного опыта стран, имеющих развитую традицию социального домостроения — Франции, Испании, Италии, Германии, Голландии и др. В номере также затронуты проблемы и перспективы развития доступного жилья в России.

Журнал speech: артикулирует актуальные темы и позиции в современной архитектуре, раскрывая их с разных сторон – с точки зрения теории и практики, истории и современности, на основе зарубежного и российского материала и опыта, сопоставляя глобальные тенденции и локальные особенности.

Каждый номер журнала speech: полностью посвящен одной теме, раскрывая ее в разных ракурсах. Выбор темы связан с той частью профессии архитектора, которая дает основания считать ее искусством, а не только частью торговли квадратными метрами. speech: предоставляет возможность прямого высказывания российским и зарубежным архитекторам, культурологам, критикам и историкам архитектуры, экспертам в самых разных связанных с архитектурой областях.

После десяти номеров, посвященных основам архитектурного языка (детальность, цвет, орнамент, материальность, конструкции) и организации городской среды (площадь, вода, дух места), мы решили уделить внимание отдельным типологиям современной архитектуры. Новую серию, начинающуюся с одиннадцатого номера, открыл выпуск, посвященный музеям. Тема двенадцатого номера – жилье, причем акцент сделан на мировом опыте строительства недорогого, или как у нас принято называть, «доступного» жилья.


Ирина Шипова

Доступное жилье - в поиске новых форм, разнообразия и индивидуальности


Бернхард Шульц

К истории развития социального жилья


Анна Мартовицкая

Разноцветная мозаика

Метаформ Аркитектс. Доступное жилье «Брендон- стрит». Лондон

Нина Фролова

Объемы в движении

Доминик Перро. Жилой комплекс «La Liberté». Гронинген, Нидерланды

Анна Вяземцева

Палаццо по доступной цене на дороге к морю

АБДР. Жилой дом на улице Джустиниано Императоре. Рим

Анна Мартовицкая

С видом на большую воду

C.F. Møller Architects. Cоциальное жилье Sæby Beach. Северный Ютланд, Дания

Нина Фролова

Дом как кусочек города

Артек Архитектен. Террасный дом «Бременские музыканты» на Токиоштрассе. Вена

Бернхард Шульц

Социальность по-парижски

h2o architectes. Дом с 20 доступными квартирами и 3 торговыми помещениями. Париж


Дэвид Кон

Сила проницаемости
10 муниципальных жилых комплексов в Испании


Сергей Кузнецов

Минимум двадцать лет нужно на то, чтобы изменить в Москве принципы формирования городской среды
Интервью Анны Мартовицкой


Вини Маас

Инвестиция в социальное жилье — это инвестиция в город
Интервью Ивана Невзгодина

Анн Лакатон

Просторнее, светлее, зеленее: новый взгляд на социальное жилье
Интервью Дени Боке 

ID: 9909
Видавництво: Tang Art

The book selects more than 60 domestic top projects, mostly masterpieces from Vanke, Poly, China Overseas, Greenland, etc and some of the projects are winners of the 7th Kinpan Award.

Starting from style integration and innovation, the book shows how buildings, while adopting the oriental, Western, traditional and modern style, meanwhile innovate for further development, to thus discuss how to integrate different styles and organically combine with the local culture, and to provide professional readers with design concepts and skills.

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