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Yves Porter, Gerard DeGeorge
ID: 5085
Видавництво: Flammarion

Indias most dazzling architecture is presented in all its diversity through specially commissioned photography and erudite text that places each monument within its historical, cultural, and technical context. Between the twelfth and the mid-nineteenth centuries, most of the Indian subcontinent was under Muslim domination, giving rise to a unique architectural blend of Islamic, Turkish, and Persian influences. Yves Porter provides the full panorama of this astonishing ensemble, explaining in depth the key monuments of each period and region, which are accompanied by Gerard Degeorges photographs of the monuments and architectural details. During the long reign of the Mughal Dynasty (15261857), the architecture of the subcontinent passed through some especially brilliant phases. Humayuns tomb at Delhi (1565); Fatehpur Sikri (briefly the capital of Akbar); the Shalimar gardens in Lahore, Pakistan; or the unforgettable Taj Mahal at Agra (1632) are just a few examples. In this scholarly work, Yves Porter provides a comprehensive history of Muslim architecture on the Indian subcontinent, redressing an important lack of coverage on the subject.

Michael Freeman
ID: 1770
Видавництво: Rizzoli

The influence of traditional Asian design is far-reaching, and today, contemporary Asian interior designers and architects have developed a new kind of modernism that references the appropriate elements of their own traditions.

The New East is the first comprehensive volume to present this ongoing style revolution and is sure to inspire anyone looking to add harmony and sensuality to their homes. Rich photographs brilliantly showcase Asian designs for living. Here you'll find everything you need to know about combining Western design motifs with Eastern traditional elements, such as the Japanese sliding screens; creating harmonious balance between the indoor and the outdoor space; and selecting specific materials that make up the traditional design form in Asia, such as bamboo and stone.

This book teaches how to adapt to the Asian design philosophy of reducing a space to its core essentials and thus creating a natural and simple minimalist look, ultimately adding a sense of serenity and tranquility to your space.

May Cambert
ID: 614
Видавництво: Atriumbooks

This second installment in the new Top Architects series is dedicated to the best architects from Japan. Together with renowned names such as Tadao Ando, Toyo Ito, Shigeru Ban, Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, Arata Isozaki, and Waro Kishi, this book presents rising stars in architecture in Japan. Each of the profiled works includes a biographical review of the architect and the architect's general vision of the work.

Dieter Hassenpflug
ID: 9808
Видавництво: Birkhauser

When reading the Chinese city, which this book sets out to do, it is not the well-known cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Xi an that are in the focus of attention, but rather the essentially Chinese of the Chinese city, those characteristics or attributes that are more or less shared by all Chinese cities. The spotlight is on their spatial grammar, their syntax, in short: their code. Only by deciphering their common traits a view to the underlying structure of Chinese cities is opened, and we can begin to reasonably evaluate and classify the diversity of impressions. Deciphering the code of the Chinese city also enables the author to read new Chinese towns designed by Western architects. Thus, readers are provided with valuable insight on China s booming urbanization and urban development.

Jean-Michel Ruiz, Cecile Treal, Laurel Hirsch
ID: 9372
Видавництво: Abrams

The austere facades that line the labyrinthine streets of Morocco's ancient walled neighborhoods reveal almost nothing of the luminous residences within. The Villas and Riads of Morocco lifts the veil on these secret paradises, from fantastic palaces in Fez and Essaouira to middle-class riads in Marrakech to converted casbahs in the southern oases. With more than 200 stunning photographs, this beautiful volume takes us behind the scenes to explore a side of Morocco that is largely hidden to outsiders.

The book showcases exquisite interiors that combine rich materials such as cedar and marble; luxurious carpets and textiles; filigree carving and other handiwork; and vibrant color palettes. Also featured is the remarkable mosaicwork found especially in the central courtyard gardens and patios that form the heart of the Moroccan house. Accompanying these sumptuous views is a vivid history of the country's residential architecture and its fascinating mix of Andalusian, Arab, and Saharan influences. The Villas and Riads of Morocco not only offers a feast for the eyes but also illuminates an entire culture. AUTHOR BIO: Corinne Verner is a cultural anthropologist who lives in Marrakech. She is also a scriptwriter and has written a documentary film series for television. Cécile Tréal and Jean-Michel Ruiz are photojournalists and members of the Gamma and Hoa-Qui agencies. They have spent many years in Casablanca and have collaborated on several publications on Morocco, Madagascar, and the Maghreb.

ID: 132
Видавництво: Daab

Tokyo constitutes the most populated metropolitan area on the planet, it houses 33 million inhabitants.

It is also, possibly, the megalopolis with the highest proportion of recent architecture, what is a result of two significant events: The earthquake of 1923 and the bombardments of World War II.

The economic development that took place after the war gave rise to a modern city that stands out on account of its complex infrastructures. In no other city are the boundaries between inside and outside, public and private, up and down as blurred as in Tokyo; this lack of frontiers has shaped an urban setting without parallel which is reflected equally by the most state-of-the-art skyscraper and the most intimate store. This amalgam of architectural typologies has established itself as a reference point for designers from all over the world.

Projects are listed in alphabetical order to the architects and designers, presented in a very clear layout. Plans show the layouts of the buildings and single rooms.

ID: 1265
Видавництво: Rikuyosha

Featuring a total of 104 restaurants with superlative design selected from the restaurants opened between January 2004 and April 2005.

Chen Ci Liang
ID: 475
Видавництво: Page One

Китай всегда был источником всевозможных кулинарных изысков, в его городах сливаются в единое целое культуры Запада и Востока. Сегодня наблюдается повышенный интерес к Китайским ресторанам, чтобы отразить всю сложность этой исключительной кухни, показать все архитектурные и визуальные особенности этой культуры. Стальные ширмы, усыпанные множеством отверстий образуют вход, который ведет в помещение с потрясающим интерьером, идеально сочетающимся с восточной буддистской концепцией «дзэн» в простом индустриальном стиле. Результатом является идеальное современное место для приема пищи. В книге Trendy Restaurants in China Вы найдете описание 21 ресторана, каждый из которых великолепно сочетает традиции и современность. Многие примеры представляют собой уникальное соединение текстуры и цвета, элегантности и простоты, восторга и абсолютного спокойствия.

Elizabeth Reyes, Luca Invernizzi Tettoni
ID: 5793
Видавництво: Tuttle

The Tropical House celebrates a growing trend toward stylish globalization in interior design. More than 25 stunning houses and condos comprise a synthesis of East-West trends and contemporary furnishings - as Filipino designers merge sleek modernist furniture with local designers' “soulful creations” in natural hardwoods and other tropical materials.

Over 250 full-color photographs of outstanding Filipino residences will inspire readers with their diverse and contemporary looks. From vintage glamour to classic modern with bold artful accents, to the clean, glam look known as “contemporary chic,” this book showcases the myriad tastes of the Philippines.

Chen Ci Liang
ID: 540
Видавництво: Page One

Дизайн интерьеров китайских городских рестаранов, предлагающих различную кухню от национальной до европейской. В зависимости от направленности этих заведений общественного питания и создаются их интерьеры.

Corinne Verner, Cecile Treal
ID: 9374
Видавництво: Thames & Hudson

Illustrated with a generous selection of stunning photographs, this beautiful volume takes us behind the scenes to explore a side of Morocco that is largely hidden to outsiders.

Villas and Courtyard Houses of Morocco lifts the veil on secret paradises from fantastic palaces in Fez and Essaouira to middle-class riads in Marrakech and converted casbahs in the southern oases.

The book showcases exquisite interiors that combine rich materials such as cedar and marble; luxurious carpets and textiles; filigree carving and vibrant colour palettes. Also featured is the remarkable mosaicwork found in the central courtyard gardens and patios that form the heart of the Moroccan house.

Accompanying these sumptuous views is a vivid history of the country’s residential architecture and its fascinating mix of Andalusian, Arab and Saharan influences.

ID: 9924
Видавництво: Tang Art

The book explains how to win landscapes through excellent real estate landscape analysis. It expounds brand-new design concept and shows new design effect with the characterization of large numbers of pictures, novel design, unique classification, and high reference value, etc

Project Introduction:

Winning Ideas
Winning Techniques
Winning Practices

Henri Stierlin
ID: 4258
Видавництво: Taschen

To the western eye, cities such as Jerusalem, Mecca, Baghdad or Cairo can seem utterly alien. It is not only the way of life that is unfamiliar, it is also the astoundingly varied architecture.

This volume surveys more than six centuries of Islamic architecture, from the late 7th century to the mid-13th, placing mosques, Koran schools and palaces in their cultural, religious and political contexts. Distinctive features are its view of building as reflection of Moslem thinking, and its focus on the Arab world.

With more than 200 colour photographs, numerous plans, chronological tables and an extensive glossary, this is a reference work which appeals to the expert and the travel-hungry reader alike.

ID: 127
Видавництво: Daab

The Asian countries seek to dominate global markets not only in the area of science, technology and management, but also in the area of design, which is playing an increasingly crucial role in their strategic economic plans. One of their clear trends is the conscious use of traditional themes in combination with contemporary styles. Whether kimonos or packiging, Shinto shrines or computer designs, the viewer is stimulated by a wealth of inspiring visual stimuli. This book presents an overview of the current trends of the young Asian - Pacific design scene. Though the featured works, ideas and products vary very much from each other, they exemplify one thing for sure: The initiated dialogue between cultures and across national borders is increasingly gaining in importance.

Лука Моццати
ID: 8641
Видавництво: Арт-Родник

Великолепный альбом, посвященный шедеврам исламского искусства.

От Испании до Ирана, от Центральной Азии  до Индии – в этом издании собраны памятники утонченной художественной культуры с тысячелетней историей. Исламским мастерам удалось достичь удивительных результатов в области архитектуры, керамики, каллиграфии, книжной  миниатюры, ткачества. 

В этом несложно убедиться, заглянув в наш альбом. Выдающиеся произведения искусства исламского мира представлены здесь красочными иллюстрациями  и познавательными сопровождающими текстами. Все произведения распределены по главам, посвященным той или иной исторической эпохе, и предварены историческими экскурсами. В отдельной части книги рассматриваются базовые принципы исламской художественной культуры.

Ислам распространялся с поразительной быстротой и легкостью в мире, истощенном бесконечными войнами между византийской и персидской империями. Все это влияло на экономические, социальные, общечеловеческие и религиозные ценности. В течение нескольких десятилетий ислам завоевал Испанию и часть южной Италии, преодолел пустынные пространства Сахары, обратив население черной Африки и противостоя местным культам. Затем он распространился по беспредельным азиатским регионам, пока не достиг Индии, где встретился с ведическими культами и буддизмом. На севере ислам достиг Оксианы (ныне в Узбекистане), превзойдя завоевания Александра Великого, чтобы приблизиться к границам китайской империи. Территории, на которых утвердился ислам, были свидетелями расцвета греко-римской, иудео-христианской и впоследствии греко-православной цивилизации на Западе, персидско-зороастрийской на Востоке. Наследство этих цивилизаций лежит в основе художественного исламского опыта. В культурной и, следовательно, художественной среде исламский мир вбирал в себя творческую энергию, технику и традиции подчиненных народов, необычайно богатые и разнообразные. Произведения исламской культуры зачастую не имеют аналогов в других культурах и весьма самобытны. На иллюстрациях в книге представлена архитектура, живопись, каллиграфия, керамика, стекло, ковры.

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