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Промисловий дизайн

Книги з промислового дизайну

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D. Colaci, A. Rui
ID: 8370
Видавництво: 24 ORE Cultura

Minimum Design: An indispensable compendium on important designers of the modern era
An ideal and accessible introduction suitable for students and lovers of design today

Tunisian- born designer Tom Dixon's career took off in the 1980s when, as an ex- musician and a self-taught welder, he began working for Italian design giant Cappelini. His iconic 'S' chair design produced for Cappelini, and, later, his 'Jack light' created for his own company, Eurolounge, made him an iconic househood name. Dixon's creative process is unusual in that his ideas originate from the tools and materials he has selected, rather than vice versa, creating unique contemporary objects.

In 1998, Dixon was appointed Head of Design by household furnishing retailer Habitat, later becoming Creative Director until 2009. The Tom Dixon brand has gone from strength to strength, expanding to house an interior design arm that has taken on projects such as top restaurants in the UK and abroad. He has been recognised with a plethora of awards and nominations, including most notably an OBE.

Published in the same style as the successful Minimum Architects series, the Minimum Designers series includes books about the major figures in the field of design, creators of objects that have become a part of our daily lives. The lamp on our desk, the chair we are sitting on or the glasses we are wearing have a genius behind to be discovered.

These volumes will introduce in a practical manner the personalities and the works of the world's major designers by way of an historical-critical introduction to the work and life of each individual designer. An accurate selection of the designer's most famous objects arranged in chronological order and a critique of his or her work summarising the most significant reviews published in magazines and newspapers will complete the subject.

Daniel Eckler
ID: 8625
Видавництво: Gestalten

T-shirts that reflect current styles in graphic design, illustration, and fashion.

With their catchy messages and bold artwork, T-shirts are a reflection of and petri dish for current styles in graphic design, illustration, and fashion. Focusing on T-shirts created by the most innovative and style-setting brands, Torso presents t-shirts that can be seen as projection screens for the most original contemporary visual codes. Compiled by Formatmag.com founder and editor-in-chief Daniel Eckler, this book is a definitive guide to today’s T-shirt culture.

Show me your t-shirts and I’ll tell you who you are. Today’s t-shirts are projection screens for styles, thoughts, and attitudes; they are wearable calling cards. Wearers and designers of t-shirts define themselves through the featured visual codes and messages and are constantly trying to outdo each other when it comes to who has the most original ideas.

Torso presents t-shirts whose motifs not only function as a means of personal communication, but also reflect and increasingly influence the complete spectrum of modern graphic design. As the first book to focus on t-shirts created by the most innovative and style-setting brands, it is the definitive guide to t-shirt culture.

Torso was compiled by Daniel Eckler, founder and editor-in-chief of Formatmag.com, one of the world’s most popular and influential publications dedicated to streetwear, street art, and alternative lifestyles.

Gérard Bidou
ID: 1647
Видавництво: Vial

Synthèse de la publications de l'auteur, ce premier livre de technologie appliquée permet d'apprendre les bases du tournage en suivant la réalisation de pièces nécessitant l'utilisation de techniques différentes. Les étapes de fabrication sont abondamment détaillées et illustrées, ce qui facilite la compréhension.

ID: 2833
Видавництво: Monsa

The tuning and customizing any means of transport, is a growing industry and a very popular and widespread hobby. The process consists equally of making modifications to the mechanics as to the vehicle's external appearance to achieve a unique style which is tuned to the style of its owner's driving.

For this reason it's not uncommon to hear it said there are no two cars tuned absolutely alike. The interest in tuning is increasing exponentially and almost every town or village, no matter how small, includes a couple of dates on its local fairs and fiestas calendar to organize a rally to display tuning in its pure state, something which has developed into a cult and an approach to style which has become part of today's "urban culture". This activity is a cultural expression of urban life, very similar to tattoos or piercing.

Eva Minguet Camara
ID: 4931
Видавництво: Monsa

Urban Bags, bag designs, introduces a wide variety of projects from different sources of creative are and design, with the bag designs taken to be a point of reference.

This phenomenon goes way beyond the world of fashion, and is something which has spread through various design sectors with a wide range of highly diversecreators participating in the creation from illustrators, graffiti experts, graphic designers, etc., using a wide variety of materials including canvas, pvc plastics, artificial leather and recycled fabrics.

Marc Guetta, Patrick Guetta, Alison A. Nieder
ID: 5214
Видавництво: Taschen

The power of the classic tee. With the addition of just a few letters or an image the simple T-shirt can become a personal billboard

What started as the standard issue undershirt of the U.S. military, by the mid-1970s had evolved into a means of self-expression and individualism. Musical taste, political slant, favorite TV show or movie, vacation destination and brand preference — it's all on a tee.

From DIY to the mass market, the printed T-shirts has been embraced by fashion designers and artists, street culture and brand-building corporations. Yet its basic form and function are unchanged. This quintessentially American item — best teamed with a pair of blue jeans — remains the simplest and most direct way of broadcasting our ideals and allegiances, sense of humor and cultural passions.

Selected from the collection of Patrick and Marc Guetta, owners of World of Vintage T-Shirts on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, this book assembles over 650 stone-cold classics of the genre. Drawn primarily from the golden era of the 1970s and 1980s, these vintage T-shirts are not merely nostalgic artifacts; they represent an historical record of political, popular and corporate thought in America. Vintage T-Shirts documents the most striking variations on this infinitely versatile garment. With an introduction on the history of the T-shirt in American popular culture by Alison A. Nieder, Vintage T-Shirts is an essential work of reference for anyone interested in pop culture, fashion, or graphic design.

Patrick & Marc Guetta's World of Vintage T-Shirts store on Melrose Avenue has been Hollywood's top source of vintage Ts for over a decade, catering to celebrities, tourists and Los Angeles' fashion obsessed. Patrick Guetta, worked with major movie studios in creating licensed apparel company Too Cute!, is now working on launching his own characters called Junglenuts.

Alison A. Nieder has worked in fashion since 1985, in retail, apparel production, and as a fashion business journalist. She is executive editor of California Apparel News, a fashion trade publication covering the West Coast apparel and textile industries.

Christian Datz, Christof Kullmann
ID: 2449
Видавництво: teNeues

400 color photographs

This attractive volume covers all elements of wine and design, with a host of striking photographs, and informative text. With chapters on drinking, enjoying, growing, producing, storing, tasting, promoting, and presenting wine, you'll learn the most advanced and innovative ways design can enhance everything wine-related. After all, it's only fitting that one of the most civilized of pleasures be appreciated to the full.
* One of the few resources covering wineries and design
* Contains an introductory essay on the latest design trends in the world of viticulture

ID: 125
Видавництво: Daab

During the last 10 years there has been a significant leap forward in the development of yacht interiors. A decisive factor here was the introduction of the computer in the production process, which has greatly shortened the design phase and allowed more freedom when simulating and visualizing models. As a result, new boat forms, as well as more aerodynamic sails, have emerged, which could be carefully designed and built. The creation of modern yacht interiors reflects current design trends. There is, for instance, a clear trend towards plain and minimalist interiors. Here the designer renounces unnecessary decorative elements and employs pale colours, like white, grey and beige, which make interiors seem larger. In addition to Asian décor elements, there are also very colourful interior designs, which are appealing for their playfulness, among other reasons. Modern yachts, then, do not take a back seat to living quarters on land when it comes to comfort and design, and it is not surprising that, besides famous yacht designers, creative personalities like Armani or Philipp Starck have discovered a love for designing yachts interiors.

ID: 127
Видавництво: Daab

The Asian countries seek to dominate global markets not only in the area of science, technology and management, but also in the area of design, which is playing an increasingly crucial role in their strategic economic plans. One of their clear trends is the conscious use of traditional themes in combination with contemporary styles. Whether kimonos or packiging, Shinto shrines or computer designs, the viewer is stimulated by a wealth of inspiring visual stimuli. This book presents an overview of the current trends of the young Asian - Pacific design scene. Though the featured works, ideas and products vary very much from each other, they exemplify one thing for sure: The initiated dialogue between cultures and across national borders is increasingly gaining in importance.

ID: 128
Видавництво: Daab

The increasingly faster changing trends and attitudes about life are also logically reflected in the design. In the era of mass production, media giants and time where 'average' is expanding at an alarming rate, it is more important than ever to tackle new dimensions in design. Design does not stop at the product's wrapper, one cannot look at one's very own design work in isolation any longer, and integrated thinking is required. EU expansion is now fully underway, markets are becoming global and as a result, product and design requirements are becoming increasingly complex. On the way to a multi-cultural society, products are required that are understood beyond the cultural borders. But what identifies or characterizes young European design? The answers are several and varying, rather than just one. Some of the works that were subjectively selected here have been awarded the highest design awards, other are still in concept phase or are waiting for a manufacturer and marketing as prototypes. The book shows what is happening in the young European design scene. As one can see, things are moving!

Лара Лаурин
ID: 727
Видавництво: Арт-Родник
В этой книге представлены декоративные свечи, подсвечники, светильники и лампы, которые создадут праздничное настроение в вашем доме. Все это очень легко изготовить и уютным вечером в кругу семьи или торжественной ночью Рождества наслаждаться светом свечей. Все шаблоны даны в натуральную величину, текст, разъясняющий работу шаг за шагом, сопровождают фотографии. Вы будете использовать в своей работе декоративные свечи, оригинальные лампы, украшения для стола и необычные рождественские венки, салфетки, цветные наклейки, научитесь делать тиснение на фольге, создавать украшения под мрамор, делать поделки из натуральных материалов и многое другое.
Базилевский А.А., Барышева В.
ID: 6338
Видавництво: Архитектура-С

Развитие дизайна ХХ века рассматривается как изменение приемов и методов, соотносимое с достижениями науки и техники.

Формообразование — как цепочка связанных процессов нередко трансформирующих исходную идею продукта.

Технология в проектной культуре — важнейшая составляющая не только производства, но и проектного, образного «языка» дизайнера. Осмысление технологии и освоение ее художественного потенциала — одна из возможностей выйти на новый уровень мастерства.

Обширное иллюстративное приложение визуализирует и дополняет текст по принципу хронологических таблиц.

Книга адресована специалистам в области дизайна, студентам художественных и архитектурных вузов, и всем интересующимся промышленным дизайном.

ID: 3511
Видавництво: Taschen
Одежда определяет стиль и поведение людей. Одежда человека, будь это сари, кимоно или деловой костюм-тройка, является важнейшим ключом к постижению принадлежности человека к определенной культуре, классу, даже религии, не говоря уже о свойствах личности. Основанный в 1978 году Институт костюма Киото - ИКК (Kyoto Costume Institute - KCI) располагает одной из крупнейших в мире коллекций одежды и курирует множество выставок во всех странах мира.
Уделяя наибольшее внимание женской одежде западного стиля, ИКК может похвастаться широчайшей подборкой исторических костюмов, нижнего белья, обуви и модных аксессуаров, датируемых с XVIII столетия по настоящее время.
Предлагаемое вашему вниманию издание `История моды с XVIII по XX столетие` уведет вас на увлекательную экскурсию по трем последним столетиям и расскажет о тенденциях в развитии моды при помощи внушительной подборки первоклассных фотографий из архивов Института, на которых вы увидите одежду, размещенную на специально изготовленных манекенах.
Начиная с редкостных сокровищ, подобных железному корсету XVII века с вышитым корсажем, и заканчивая работами современных дизайнеров, таких как Ив Сен-Лоран и Кельвин Кляйн, коллекция предоставляет широкий обзор эволюции женской моды. ИКК полагает, что `одежда является важнейшим проявлением нашего бытия`, а потому страсть и преданность сотрудников Института своему делу можно почувствовать буквально на каждой странице данного издания. Вам предоставляется редкая возможность увидеть, как одевались наши предки, сравнить их одежду с изумительными достижениями современной моды, а также представить, как, возможно, будут одеваться наши потомки в далеком будущем, по мере того, как дизайн одежды продолжит свой неустанный путь по тропе эволюции.
Артемий Лебедев
ID: 1288

4-е издание.

Основные темы «Ководства» — графический и промышленный дизайн, проектирование интерфейсов, типографика, семиотика и визуализация.

«Ководство», являясь отражением мировоззрения и личной точки зрения автора, посвящено дизайну как образу жизни и мысли — дизайнер, вопреки превратному представлению большинства, не только водит мышью по столу. Дизайнер живет своей профессией, делая из хаоса порядок. Он владеет умами. Он создает настроения. Хороший дизайнер управляет людьми с помощью своего творчества, плохому нужна плетка-семихвостка.

В «Ководстве» нет готовых рецептов дизайнерского успеха. Здесь можно найти пищу для ума. А как ее употреблять — за столом с хорошим вином или глотая кусками с картонной тарелочки — дело читателя.

Александр Отт
ID: 1589
Видавництво: ХПИ

В этой книге представлены разнообразные средства для рисования и изобразительные техники, которые сопровождаются многочисленными примерами из области транспортных средств, мебели, медицины, электроники и архитектуры.

Книга адресована студентам, дизайнерам, специалистам в области промышленного дизайна и инжиниринга, а также специалистам технических профессий.

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