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Elliott Erwitt
ID: 8533
Видавництво: Schirmer/Mosel Verlag

"Meine Schüchternheit hat dazu beigetragen, dass ich Photograph wurde. In der High School stellte ich fest, dass die Kamera einen in Situationen bringt, wo man eigentlich nicht hingehört. Damals waren es die Abschlussbälle; heute sind es das Weiße Haus und die Hinterzimmer des Kreml ..." Elliott Erwitt, seit den 50er Jahren Magnum-Mitglied und zeitweise Präsident und Vizepräsident der legendären Agentur, wurde 1928 als Kind russischer Einwanderer in Paris geboren, wuchs in Mailand auf und emigrierte 1939 mit seinen Eltern in die USA. Wie alle Magnum-Photographen seiner Generation ist er sein Leben lang in der Welt zu Hause gewesen - und sein Leben lang "schüchtern" geblieben: ein Photograph, der den Ereignissen nicht nachjagt, sondern die Ereignisse auf sich zukommen lässt, abwartend, beobachtend, bereit für die großen und die kleinen Momente im Leben, die privaten und die offiziellen, die traurigen und komischen. Vor allem seine hintersinnigen, liebenswert ironischen Schnappschüsse haben ihn berühmt und weltweit populär gemacht. Unser 1997 erstmals erschienener Band, den er selbst zusammenstellte und den wir jetzt in 2. Auflage vorlegen, enthält die Ikonen seines reichen Lebenswerks - die offiziellen Arbeiten für Magnum und viele seiner personal exposures, jener "persönlichen" Bilder, die seinen Ruhm begründeten.

Magnum photographer Elliott Erwitt is known for his candid black-and-white shots of ironic and absurd situations within everyday settings. First published in 1997 and designed by the artist himself, this reprint presents his official Magnum pictures and many “personal exposures”.

Elliott Erwitt
ID: 2529
Видавництво: teNeues

Born of Russian parents in Paris in 1928, the renowned photographer Elliot Erwitt arrived in the U.S. in the late 1930's and studied Photography in Los Angeles. He won recognition for his work in the 1940's and 1950's with the publication of photographs in Life Magazine and Collier's and in 1953, joined the prestigious Magnum photographic agency. The range of his subjects reflected his enormous talents - from the everyday reality of the post-war years to the glamour of Hollywood stars such as Humphrey Bogart and Marilyn Monroe to portraits of political leaders such as Nikita Kruschev. Erwitt later became a highly successful advertising photographer. In the 70's Erwitt refined his sense of irony, and in addition to comedy and film work, shot his landmark series of photographs of people and their dogs, memorably documenting the unique world shared by canine and human. Eliott Erwitt currently lives in New York City.

* A comprehensive overview of one of the last living greats of 20th-century photography
* A photographic retrospective offering an ironic look at everyday life

Elliott Erwitt
ID: 2393
Видавництво: teNeues

This stunning assembly of work was personally selected by Erwitt himself. Most of these images have never been published before. The generous trim size and large number of double-page spreads allow you to admire the master's technique and artistry up close. Every image is photography at its most ebullient and life-enhancing and each reflects the scope of Erwitt's observant and eclectic eye. Here is a fitting tribute to this Magnum photographer who has shot such Hollywood legends as Marlene Dietrich and Marilyn Monroe, yet whose delight in everyday irony has captured many witty moments, including his famous portraits of people and their dogs.

Born in Paris in 1928, Elliott Erwitt arrived in the U.S. in the late 1930s. Establishing himself in the 40s and 50s as a leading magazine photographer, he joined the prestigious Magnum Agency in 1953. In addition to his work in magazines, he achieved great success as an advertising photographer. He currently lives in New York City.

Elliott Erwitt
ID: 2040
Видавництво: teNeues

For those already familiar with the scope and ingenuity of this photographic craftsman, this is an essential addition to your Erwitt collection. If not, you can look forward to discovering his eclecticism and expertise. Probing the limits of black-and-white photography, Erwitt's lens captures subtleties ranging from the duskiest grays to the most luminous whites. This intriguing collection of previously unpublished photographs highlights the drama in everyday moments. Its subjects range from anonymous faces in the crowd to candid glimpses of icons like John F. Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, and Truman Capote.

Born in Paris in 1928, Elliott Erwitt arrived in the U.S. in the late 1930s. Establishing himself in the '40s and '50s as a leading magazine photographer, he joined the prestigious Magnum agency in 1953. In addition to his work in magazines, he achieved great success as an advertising photographer and filmmaker. He currently lives in New York City. After Personal Best, this is his second book published with teNeues.

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